About us Old

Mission Statement

Sisters4Fitness is a 501(c) nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting the obesity epidemic among women, especially African American women, through exercise and nutrition.  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health, four in five African American women are overweight or obese which increases their risk of other diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.  We are committed to creating activities that encourage healthy living and healthy eating.  Our focus also includes helping low income woman gain access to nutritious foods for themselves and their children.


Stephanie Gaines-Bryant | President & Founder

Stephanie Gaines-Bryant is the President and Founder of Sisters4Fitness. Stephanie is a certified yoga instructor and is also the owner and operator of Radio Yogi Health and Fitness, a yoga business. She is a 25 year radio veteran whose interest in women’s health began while hosting a radio talk show in Washington, D.C during which time she interviewed dozens of health professionals.  She was alarmed by the numbers of African American women who suffer from obesity and related diseases and decided she wanted to take action to reduce those numbers, Stephanie is also living with type 2 diabetes. Sisters4Fitness was born out of her desire to help empower women to lead healthier lifestyles.

Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Media Arts from Hampton University and a Masters of Liberal Arts degree from Johns Hopkins University.  She is a wife and mother of four children.


Susan Clindinin | Vice President & Secretary

Susan Clindinin serves on the Board of Sisters4Fitness as the Board’s Secretary.  Ms Clindinin currently works as a Contractor in the District of Columbia after 20 years of service with the DC Government.  She is interested in developing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle and sees Sisters4Fitness as the perfect vehicle towards reaching that goal.  Working with Sisters4Fitness also provides an excellent opportunity to assist other women in making healthier lifestyle choices for themselves as well as their families.

Susan holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Hampton University and a Juris Doctorate degree from Howard University School of Law.


Marion Wenn | Treasurer

Marion Wenn is dedicated to service and mission work.  She retired from the State of Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service in 2013 after 35 years of State service.  She has participated in mission initiatives around the world including Ghana, Haiti, and Honduras.  Marion also enjoys leisure travel and is an avid photographer.